I've looked all over and cannot find it. Can anyone help me? I was hoping to implement this "on top" shellstyle with my upcoming skin.

All I actually did find was the new shellstyle section of SkinStudio, but it says it's unofficial and should not be used...

Thanks in advance.
on Sep 16, 2004
You found it. Take a look at Frogboys port of Inspirat, it uses them. You'll know what is what.
on Sep 16, 2004
That's what I thought. I looked at Inspirat, but I just don't understand why this new feature is considered "unofficial". I guess Stardock has no intention of supporting this for skins created only for WindowBlinds... This is my understanding since SkinStudio says to only use the "official" shellstyle sections. >
on Sep 16, 2004
It's probably because it's experimental or at alpha stage if you wanna put it like that. It will probably get refined over time.
on Sep 16, 2004
Well, I sure hope it'll become "official" soon

Tak for hjælpen
on Sep 16, 2004

DanilloOcs new WB is using the new sheelstyle... style - looks awesome!!! (not released in writeing moment, but ive had a lill preview)

Og det ser bare herre-godt ud!!

on Sep 17, 2004
I downloaded danilloOc's new skin and tried to copy the new shellstyle bit by bit, but that didn't work too well. I figured out how to "hide" the vertical task pane, but I can't at all figure out how to actually "trigger" the on-top shellstyle. The only way it works, is to export danilloOc's skin's shellstyle (the whole XP Shell section) and then import it into my skin! > Grrr... I just want to know what triggers the shellstyle! Anyone know?
on Sep 17, 2004
I love it but until it can be worked on like all the other sections of the tree,I'll wait.I like that it takes up less room,and does away with some of the unnecesary portions of the task pane.(I sorta miss the details pane,but the status bar provides most of that info)

Would be cool if it rolled up like a window instead of the text just disappearing.

Is it my imagination ,or did it also get rid of that unskinned grabber color beneath the toolbar?(the one for resizing the toolbar)...if so,great!I always hated what that looked like.
on Sep 17, 2004
Nope,its still there...bummer
on Sep 17, 2004
You can copy the new shellstyle bit by bit like you want but you need to copy the XML filles too (NS_Shellstyle1.UIFile and NS_Shellstyle2.UIFile) and to make it easier, all the needed files for the new shell have the prefix NS on the file name.
-Exemple:NS_neOS_shell_style.xps, NS_Addit_Image_17.bmp, NS_Movies_Large.bmp, etc. You will need to enable the "No Image Defined" option on the XP Shell/Titlebar Icons section (check it on neOS NeoShell) and finily you can change the new shell colors onthe XML files (NS_Shellstyle1.UIFile and NS_Shellstyle2.UIFile), you can open it with NotePad or other text editor.

I hope it can help you.

on Sep 18, 2004

Thanks for your help, but I still can't seem to "trigger" the new shellstyle when doing it bit by bit, so I decided to just import your shellstyle and modify from there. So far modifying the UIFiles is very tedious and time consuming despite my knowledge of CSS and XML. I did find somewhat of a tutorial on the UIFiles, but it's still very time consuming trying to find what section changes what of the skin... zzz... I sure hope Stardock soon implements an official section into SkinStudio so that we can get a visual representation/preview, like we can with the other sections.

Anyway, thanks again for your help.
on Sep 18, 2004
Finally figured it out! I think... I got it to work by doing it bit by bit on one of my other complete skins. I'm pretty sure I get the procedure now of how to trigger the new shellstyle.